Active participant management in the invitation process

Active participant management in the invitation process

After the invitation or registration process has started, Invitario offers numerous functions to manage your event and efficiently handle guests and registrations.

In the menu item > Cockpit, you will find a good overview of the most important activities in your event:

  • Event Alerts: Critical limits such as registration deadlines, registration limits, expiring ticket contingents, or sales periods are displayed in the alerts before they are reached. Additionally, a warning symbol appears next to the event name in the event list at the account level and in the sidebar next to "Cockpit".
  • Quick-Action Segments: Perform actions like registering, deregistering, sending emails, and setting tags for entire guest groups. For example, you can send a reminder to the target group "No Response".
  • Quick-Action Guest: Perform actions like registering, deregistering, sending emails, and setting tags for a guest. For example, you can register a guest and send a confirmation email.
  • Contacts: Check contact quality, especially important are the statistics "To be verified email address", "With erroneous email address", and "Without salutation".
  • Mailings: Review the mailing statistics of your emails and export the respective mailing statistics for detailed analysis.

In the menu item > Guests, you can search for and edit your guests in detail

  • Search for guests by entering the search term in the search field and clicking "Search".
    With the display icon ("Magnifying glass"), you open the detail view of a guest:
    • In the "Master data" tab, you can see the master data fields and the individual master data fields.
    • In the "{event name}" tab, you can see the respective event information: registration & check-in status, access code, and individually created event-specific fields.
    • In the "History" tab, you can see the changes and activities of the guest.
  • With the edit icon ("Pencil"), you can edit the guest's data.
  • With the home page icon ("Globe"), you can open the event website's homepage from the guest's perspective, for example, with a pre-filled registration form.
  • With the ticket icon, you can open the guest's online ticket. This icon is only active for guests with the registration status "registered".
  • With the "Accreditation Print" icon, you can open a personalized PDF of the guest.
  • With the order icon ("Dollar"), you can open any order if a ticketing was created and an order was placed by the guest.
  • Perform actions like registering, deregistering, sending emails, setting tags for one or more guests:
  • First, mark the guest(s) and select the desired action from the "Choose action" dropdown at the bottom of the list. Export your guests with the export button at the bottom of the list.
  • Import new guests by starting the import wizard by clicking the "Guest Import" button.

Email Statistics

  • To track which guests received a specific email, you can export the statistics of the desired mailing:
    • In the cockpit under "Mailings" by clicking the respective "Export" icon.
    • In > Mailings, by clicking the statistics icon of the respective mailing, you can access the history page: There you will find export buttons for each mailing as well as two buttons for downloading all mailings of the affected mailing.
  • To track which guests received which mailings:
    Open > Mailings in the sidebar and click the "Export" button under the mailing list. The entire history of all email mailings will be exported to a CSV file.
  • To track which mailings a specific guest received, search for the desired guest in > Guests and open the guest's detail view. The "History" tab shows the emails sent to the guest and the last mailing status (opened, clicked, ...).

Subsequent Nominations

  • To create subsequent nominations in Invitario, start the import wizard in > Guests and complete the import.
    You can also add guests individually by clicking > New Guest in > Guests.
  • After creating all subsequent nominations, open > Mailings and click the "Send" icon of the invitation email.
  • Select the same segment you chose for the first invitation mailing (e.g., all guests) and check the "Only send to new recipients" checkbox.
  • If you start the mailing now, only the newly added guests will be addressed.
  • To check the email addresses to be addressed, click "Show recipient list" under the send button.

Reminder Emails

  • You can send reminders to all guests who have not responded yet.
  • Open the mailing page of the reminder email and select the segment "Unconfirmed guests".
  • You can also send reminders to guest groups: Select the desired group in segments and choose "Unknown" in the "Registration status" dropdown.

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