Condition fields in the registration form

Condition fields in the registration form

Conditional Fields

The "Condition" function allows you to control the display of fields in forms based on inputs from other fields. For example, you can make the "Room Type" field appear only if the guest has indicated in a previous field that they need a hotel. Or show the "Departure Airport" and "Flight Number" fields only if they have indicated they are arriving by plane.
The following example illustrates how to implement a condition: The "Comments (non-smoking room, etc.)" field should appear when the "Do you need a hotel room reserved?" field has one of the options "Single Room", "Double Room", or "Suite" selected. If the guest selects the option "No, thanks", the field should remain hidden.

  • To create a condition, click on "Restriction/Condition" in the "Fields" tab of the form in the row of the field to be shown/hidden. In this example, it is the "Comments (non-smoking room, etc.)" field.

  • Enter the field ID of the related field in the "Condition" field. In this example, it is the "Do you need a hotel room reserved?" field.

  • The field ID can be found directly under the input field for the field label, it is always composed of "customField..." and a number. In this example, the field ID is "customField4946".

  • Now enter the option that will trigger the field to be displayed, putting the option in quotation marks.

  • The format for a formula is: Field-ID = "OptionA"

  • You can also define multiple options for displaying the field:

    • Field-ID = "OptionA" OR Field-ID = "OptionB" means that the field will be displayed when either "OptionA" or "OptionB" is selected.

    • Field-ID = "OptionA" AND Field-ID = "OptionB" means that the field will be displayed when both "OptionA" and "OptionB" are selected.

  • In the example, the formula would be as follows:
    customField4946 = "Single Room" OR customField4946 = "Double Room" OR customField4946 = "Suite"

  • Alternatively, you can work with an excluding formula, for this put an exclamation mark before the equals (meaning "is not"):
    customField4946 != "No, thanks"

  • If the related field is a checkbox, simply enter only the field ID under the condition.

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