Dynamic display of form fields

Dynamic display of form fields

Dynamic Display of Form Fields

You can dynamically display form fields, meaning they can be shown or hidden based on previous form fields or the guest's belonging to a target group or an assigned tag.

To set this up, follow these steps:
  • Click on "Restriction/Condition" in the dynamic/display field; the fields "Restriction" and "Condition" will now be displayed.
  • To show the field to guests who belong to a specific target group or are assigned a specific tag, select the desired target group or tag in the field.
  • To display the field when a specific value is selected in a previous field, enter the internal name of the previous field in the "Condition" field – you can find this directly under the label name, e.g., "firstName" or "customField1234" – and add the selected value of the previous field where the dynamic field should be displayed.

  • Examples:
    A) The dynamic field is displayed when the value "Double Room" is selected in the previous single-selection field: customField1234 = "Double Room"
    B) The dynamic field is displayed when a checkbox is checked in the previous checkbox field: customField1234
    C) The dynamic field is displayed when the value "Lorem Ipsum" is entered in the previous text field "First Name": firstName = "Lorem Ipsum"
    D) The dynamic field is displayed when the value "Double Room" or "Single Room" is selected in the previous selection field: customField1234 = "Double Room" OR  customField1234 = "Single Room"
    E) The dynamic field is displayed when the values "Double Room" AND "Single Room" are selected in the previous multiple-selection field: customField1234 = "Double Room" AND  customField1234 = "Single Room"
Note: When you create a new custom field, no internal name is initially available under the label that you can enter in the condition. Please save the form first. When you reopen the form, the internal name (e.g., "customField1234") will now be displayed for the newly added custom field.

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