Is it possible to determine the text alignment for each paragraph individually?

Is it possible to determine the text alignment for each paragraph individually?

Text alignment is generally set in > Design. Here you can create different font sets, and each of these font sets can have different alignments assigned to them.

Additionally, you can create different "Designs/Style Sets" in > Design and assign them to the elements Mailings & Website. On the respective edit pages, there is a drop-down field "Design" where a different design than the standard design can be selected.

If you want to adjust the text alignment for a single paragraph, you can also do this via the code editor:

  • Click on the "< >" symbol in the upper left corner of the text field in the editor; the code editor will open.
  • Find the beginning of the paragraph and enter: style="text-align: left;". The result should look like this: "<p style="text-align: left;">"
  • The alignments are: left = left, center = centered, right = right, justify = justified
  • Complete the process by clicking "OK".

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