Mailing statistics

Mailing statistics

Mailing Dispatch Statistics

To assess the success of a mailing, you can view the dispatch statistics ("Statistics") for each mailing. You can access the statistics in > Mailings by selecting the Statistics option from the quick menu in the row of each mailing that has been sent at least once:

  1. Here you can see all the bulk and individual mailings. Additionally, you can export detailed mailing lists for each dispatch and for the entire mailing.
  2. The top section displays the dispatch statistics across all mailings. Guests who were mailed multiple times are consolidated, so a guest is counted once in the "Net Number of Guests Mailed," even if they were mailed multiple times.
  3. The first column on the far left of the table shows the segment mailed plus any selected restrictions and settings.
  4. If the column "Dispatch Status" shows "in progress," the dispatch is not yet fully completed. The "In Delivery" column shows the percentage of recipients who have not yet been reached. Hovering over it displays the exact number of recipients.
  5. If the "Dispatch Status" column shows "completed," then the dispatch is completed. The "Delivered" column shows the percentage of successfully mailed recipients, while errors during mailing are shown in "Not Delivered."
  6. To view the dispatch statistics per mailing and guest (delivered, opened, clicked, error), you can export this data as an Excel file using the "Download" link in the far-right column.
  7. You can export the overall dispatch statistics per guest across all mailings using the "Download Full History" button, located above and below the list.

More information on the mailing status can be found here.

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