Multilingual events: How to translate content in Invitario

Multilingual events: How to translate content in Invitario

With Invitario, you can organize an event for your participants in up to 8 languages – each participant can be guided through the invitation process in the assigned language.

If multiple languages are available for an event, participants can change the assigned language themselves (further communication will then be automatically in the newly selected language).

Please note that the required function 'Translations' is not included in every pricing plan and may need to be booked additionally. Our user support team will be happy to assist you.

With "Translations" you can also customize most of the system terms to meet your requirements: For example, you can replace terms that appear in the registration process with a label you define, further personalizing your invitation process – even if you only use one language for your event. This includes the labeling of buttons such as "Register" or "Unregister". You can find a complete list of customizable system terms here.

These languages are available in Invitario:

  • German (Admin Interface)
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Czech
  • Polish
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Korean
Regardless of the language(s) you make available to your participants during the invitation process, the admin interface will always be available in our standard language, German.

Missing a language you need? We can implement additional languages upon request. Contact user support to learn more.

The following elements can be translated:

  • Any text content in emails and on the event website (using the 'Dynamic Content' feature)
  • Standard system terms (e.g., buttons labeled "Register" and "Unregister")
  • Field labels (both system fields like 'Salutation' and custom fields)
  • Options in form fields (e.g., options in a single- or multi-select dropdown)
  • Titles of the pages on your event website
  • Subject lines of emails (using the "Dynamic Content" feature)

Invitario differentiates between the following translations:

  1. System Translations: These are standard terms, such as labels for master data fields or buttons, that have already been translated by Invitario. You can also customize these translations to meet your requirements. You can view these translations by clicking the "Add System Translations" button in the "Translations" menu. It is best to perform this step only after you have specified all relevant languages for the event under the 'Settings' menu (more on this below).

  2. Custom Translations: Here, you can freely translate all terms not covered by "System Translations". This feature is helpful for translating custom form fields or the subject line of an email. 

How to prepare an event for customizing system terms or multiple languages:

  1. Switch to the relevant event
  2. Open the "Settings" menu
  3. Under the "Advanced" tab, add the desired languages in the "Available Languages" field
  4. Set the "Preferred Language" from these options: this will be applied as a fallback for all guests who have not been assigned a language

Customizing System Translations:

  1. Open the "Translations" menu
  2. Click the "Add System Translations" button (you can find a list of all customizable system terms here)
  3. Make your customizations

Creating Custom Translations:

Depending on the element you want to translate, different menus apply:
  • For texts and email subjects, use the "Dynamic Content" feature
  • For individual words or terms, use "Translation Keys" and the "Translations" feature
Translating Texts: 
Using the "Dynamic Content" feature, you can create content elements that you can insert into your event website, emails, and forms using macros. 
  1. Open the "Dynamic Content" menu.
  2. Click the "Add Content" button .
  3. Give the element a short and concise name. This will be used for the macro. Note: The name cannot be changed later.
  4. Enter the desired content in the text block in the first language. Assign a label (for internal use only, e.g., Introduction German) and select a language from the "Language" dropdown. You can also restrict the content to a segment of your participants.
  5. To enter the same content in other languages, you can either click "Duplicate this content" or add a "New Content" (as a "Text Block"). Link each text block to the desired language and, if necessary, to a segment of your participants.
  6. Repeat this step for each language you want to use for the text. Note: Each text element you want to use requires a separate "Dynamic Content". For example, if you need translations for the email subject line of the invitation, as well as texts for the invitation and landing page of the event website, a "Dynamic Content" must be created for each element.
  7. Once you have saved the content, it will be available to you via the "Content" and "Custom Content" macros.
  8. Insert the created macro at the desired locations on the event website, in emails, or forms.
  9. Your participants will see the content in the language assigned to them.
Translating Words or Terms:
Using the "Translations" menu, you can freely translate any words or terms.
  1. To create a translation, you must first create a "Translation Key". "Translation Keys" can be inserted at any point in your event.
  2. Enclose the word or term to be translated between two % signs, e.g., %Example%. Make sure there are no special characters or spaces in the "Translation Key", as these will not be recognized by the system. The "Translation Keys" will not be shown to the guest, who will instead see the translation in their assigned language. Therefore, choose the "Translation Key" in such a way that it can still be clearly assigned to an element later.
  3. To create translations for the "Translation Keys" you have created, go to the "Translations" menu.
  4. The system will notify you if it finds new and untranslated "Translation Keys". Click the "Yes, create now" button to create the "Translation Keys".
  5. Now a translation for each "Translation Key" will be created in the languages you have selected under the "Settings" menu for the event. 
  6. Enter the desired translation for each language.
  7. Your participants will see the content in the language assigned to them.
If no translation is created for a "Translation Key", an alert will be displayed in the "Cockpit" menu. "Translation Keys" without translation will be displayed as ordinary text – including the enclosing % signs. Check for alerts in the "Cockpit" menu before setting the event to "Active" (a yellow warning triangle will also be displayed in the main menu).
Fallback for guests without an assigned language: If a guest does not have a language assigned, the content will be displayed in the "Preferred Language" set under "Settings" > "Preferred Language". On the event website, the participant can choose from the available languages and set this for further communication.
Translations can be extended and changed at any time – even if the event is already set to 'Active'.

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