Processing history of guests and contacts

Processing history of guests and contacts

Guest History

In the detail view of each guest record (event level) or contact record (account level), the complete change history (log) can be viewed under the tab History. Every change in the record is displayed with the date and time, a description of the action, the changed data, and the source of the change (contact or a system user). This allows you to track in detail when and by whom the contact's data was changed.

Excerpt from the recorded actions:
  • When and how was the contact created in the account?
  • By whom was the contact created?
  • When and how was the contact added to the event?
  • By whom was the contact added to the event?
  • When was the guest registered or deregistered from the event?
  • Through which channel and by whom was the registration status changed?
  • Which mailings were sent to the guest (including mailing statistics)?
  • Change of master data fields (which values by whom)
  • When was the guest checked in at the event?
  • At which check-in station was the guest checked in?
  • At which session was the guest checked in?

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