Update & Release Report No. 16: Footer, imprint, header image and logo (April 2019)

Update & Release Report No. 16: Footer, imprint, header image and logo (April 2019)

Central Management of Imprint

  1. The imprint can now be created at the account level and is available in all events
  2. The "Data & Imprint" menu item, which already included the privacy policy and terms and conditions, has been expanded to include the imprint
  3. To create the imprint, you can now insert a link to an imprint page or create your own text
  4. At the event level, these settings are automatically adopted but can be overwritten in the "Data & Imprint" menu item for the event if needed
  1. Uploading or adding header image and logo for event website and mailings is now done directly in the "Design" menu item.
  2. Previously, the files had to be uploaded in the "File Manager" menu item and swapped in "Settings". This is now done centrally in the design settings.
  3. The header image is now also always automatically displayed on the e-ticket.

Use of "Dynamic Content"

  1. When creating a new event, the following elements are no longer created as "Dynamic Content": Event description, footer, and imprint.
  2. The "Event Description" is now by default a text field in the form, tab "Settings".
  3. The "Footer" is now managed in the "Settings" menu item.
  4. Dynamic content only needs to be used for segment-dependent display of content or for multilingual events.
  5. When using dynamic content for the footer or event description, you can still create dynamic content and insert the associated macro in the text fields as before.

Further Improvements

  1. The e-ticket of the companion in "anonymous companion registration" now has the title "Ticket of the Companion".
  2. When logging into the backend the case of the email address is now ignored.
  3. User data can now be exported .
  4. Many user interface improvements: Detail view of sessions, import wizard, guest list, account management, and more.
  5. All export files are now delivered as .xlsx files by default. Of course, the .csv format can still be selected alternatively in the guest list.
  6. Improvements in the import wizard, including better visibility of the status of currently running import processes and adjustments to the preview of the expected import result.
  7. More macros are now offered in > Website
  8. The designation of QR tickets for "anonymous" companions has been changed to "Ticket of the Companion".