Use of session calendars in the event process

Use of session calendars in the event process

Based on the created sessions, you can set up session calendars, which can be configured according to your requirements.

Distinguishing session calendars by application types:

  1. To display “dates” of an event series, such as roadshows:
    Guests first select the desired date on a landing page and are then redirected to registration. The selected date is automatically carried over. The dates of an event series can be set up as sessions of one event or as separate events in the account, with the calendar linking to the registrations of these events, depending on the use case.
    ( Learn more here. )

  2. To display “sessions” of an event, such as workshops or side programs:
    Guests see the program on a landing page. It can be grouped by categories (e.g., workshop topics) for better overview. The actual registration for the sessions takes place in the registration form; the session calendar is for display purposes only.
    ( Learn more here. )

  3. To display a guest's selected “sessions,” such as their registration for workshops:
    Guests are shown their personal session calendar with the selected sessions after registration, for example, in the confirmation.
    ( Learn more here. )

  4. For slot registration:
    Guests must first select a slot on a landing page and are then redirected to registration. The selected slot is automatically carried over. Filters can be displayed to limit a large number of slots (sessions) by location, date, time, category. These filters are shown to the guest on the website above the session calendar. It can also be set that guests must select at least one filter to see the corresponding slots (sessions).
    ( Learn more here. )

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